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Pilot/Owner Maintenance

Keeping an aircraft clean greatly improves both its appearance and its performance. When you clean an aircraft you learn a great deal about its construction and maintenance. You become aware of small defects and maintenance problems. Cleaning protects the thin layer of paint from the corrosion potential of dirt and airborne chemicals. Detergent and water are the best aircraft cleaners. If heavy grease must be removed be sure to obtain something other than a household cleaner should be used. Specifically, get a degreaser designed only for aircraft use.

Only aircraft type cleaners should be used on plastics and Plexiglas. Using a dry cloth on Plexiglas will cause an electrostatic charge to develop what will attract dust. Washing is the best cleaning method for Plexiglas.

Oils and solvents from the ground or in the air damage natural rubber more than synthetic. Light, especially sunlight will affect the durability and elasticity of rubber. Keep your tires both clean and out of direct sunlight. Keep all rubber surfaces free of hydrocarbons.

Frequent use of a specific aircraft gives the pilot an opportunity to determine what normal operation feels and sounds like. Knowing this makes early detection of abnormal conditions more easily detected.

Written by Gene Whitt

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