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Private Pilot Endorsements
An instructorís endorsement indicates that he feels you have been instructed in and are competent to perform a given maneuver. At that time. Your logbook is a legal document. You should use post-its to mark required instructor endorsements so they are readily available to the examiner. Mark the type tests, first solo, any 90-day, spin awareness, cross-countries, night flight W/landings, written test review, and test recommendation. You are supposed to know the requirements. The application must be properly filled out. Preferably typed. The examiner is under the FAA gun to submit proper paper work so you should not offer anything that will cause him a problem.

It is the instructor's reputation that is on the line when he makes the written statement certifying that the applicant is prepared to pass the practical test. The checklist for the PTS is at the back of the PTS booklet.

AC 61.65C covers endorsements that certify that you have found a student capable of making safe solo flights and has demonstrated proficiency in the maneuvers of FAR 61.87. All solo flights should be made under limiting conditions. Personally I want to know when a student is going on an unsupervised solo and I want a phone call when he returns.

Written by Gene Whitt

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