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Weather Accidents
1.Ice accidents: One per year in California Indiana is worst with almost 2 a year. 4 of the 5 California accidents occurred between October and March.
2. 46% of flying fatalities are weather related.
3. 50% of these pilots had over 500 hours.
4. 28% of these pilots had instrument ratings.
5. 47% of these weather accidents occurred at night.
6. 71% involved violation of FARs
7. 10% of winter accidents are caused by "cold" alone.
8. Cold weather accidents result in 50% fatalities
9. Most winter accidents occur on the western slopes of mountain ranges such as the Sierras
10. An average of 44,000 thunderstorms occur each day throughout the world.
11. A Thunderstorm is never as bad on the inside as it appears on the outside. It's worse.
12. 1/4 of all accidents are weather related.
13. Tampa, Florida is the storm center of the U.S. with an average of 94 thunderstorms a year.
14. 1 accident in 61,900 hours in VFR conditions
15. No weather conforms to the weatherman's opinion of it.
16. Wet air is LIGHTER than dry air.
17. When a forecaster talks about yesterday's weather, he's a historian; about tomorrow's he's reading tea leaves.
18. If it's lousy weather here, it's probably good weather where you're going.
19. 1 in 10 accidents involved weather.
20. Only 6.5 of accidents are caused by wind.
21. Only 10% of these result in fatalities.
22. High-wing planes are 2 times more likely to have wind related accident.
23. A weather related accident is 2.5 times as likely to occur if the pilot has not obtained a weather briefing

Written by Gene Whitt

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