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Command Authority
FAR 91.3: "The pilot-in-command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft...." In an emergency you can break any rule to the extent required to meet that emergency. However, the FAA reserves the right to second guess anything a pilot does. As a pilot you should not allow anyone or anything to determine what you consider necessary for safe flight operations. ATC runs the system for its convenience. As a PIC you must learn to use the system and abide by it operational procedures until they affect the safety of your aircraft. Until you declare an emergency you must obey ATC.

Command authority carries with it liability. Liability as a flight instructor comes from both the FAA and civil authority. The FAA looks at FAR violations as the PIC the instructor is responsible for the aircraft. The civil aspect relates to negligence. A flight instructor need not be giving instruction, just being on the aircraft and contributing to carelessness. A flight instructor is held to a higher level or care and a higher level of liability. Circumstances and common sense control each situation. Flight instructor liability exists in and out of the aircraft before, during, and even after instruction has been given.. The instructor is in charge of student flights. Flight instructor liability insurance is available through the AOPA Insurance Agency at (800)622-2672

CFI does not require a medical if he does not function as required crew member or P:IC. Time can be logged as PIC and any payment is legal.

Written by Gene Whitt

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