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I am getting lots of great comments from folks out there. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for taking time to tell me what you think!

"This site utterly rocks. i am going to make it the default homepage of every machine I use at work and at home. I listen to atc all day long and take practice exams -- i have no doubt that, when it comes time to start the ppl testing process, i will acheive better results as a result of having found this amazing site. good work and keep it up!!!! "

- Jason Wagner.

"I like the format of your pratice exam. The instant grading for each answer lets me review that question while I have it on my mind before going to the next question. Good Job!! "

- John Rheney.

"this is a great and convenient way to study for the faa exam. thank you so much for creating this website that keeps the beginning pilot in mind. if i had know this site existed i would never have bought the book. thank you!!!! "

- Marie Jones.

"Your website is the best I have found to help study for the FAA test, It is easy to get to and use. Thanks for the help. "

- Eddie W.

"Great Site,Appreciate The Work Going Into The Project.Thanks For Posting The Exam Questions To Practice With.It Is A Great Learning Tool.This Will Help Anyone Going In To Prepare For The Private Pilot Exam."

- R.Davis Garrett.

"Hello, I wanted to take this opportunity to let you know that I think your site is fantastic. I am a student pilot training at Lincoln Park in NJ. I am taking my flight school final exam next week and find your practice exams an invaluable training tool. Thank you Bill Lee Student Pilot "

- Bill Lee.

"This site is awesome... keep up the great work! This is an excellent resource! "

- Mark C.

"Thank you for your site. It makes practice for the private pilot test simple. The format is friendly and well presented. This is truely a first class place to visit and prepare for the exam... I'm proud to say that with the help of this site, I scored a 92 on my exam. Thank you for your help. "

- David W.

"I have to say this site is amazing. I congratulate you for this. I'm looking forward to see the development of this site. I don't have a lot of money and it has always been a dream for me to learn to fly, and I think this site is unbelievable, because I can learn so much from this. Actually I have learned a lot flying flight simulators and asking questions. Now this site can help me even more. "

- Fabian D S, (in Venezuela)

"This site is the best aviation study aide on the web. Keep up the good work!"

- David M.

"I am working on my private pilots certificate and this is my new favorite web site. Thanks!"

- David P.

"I want to thank you for producing one of the best sites on the web for true flyers. Great Job"

- John B.

"Wow! Thank you for this wonderful website! I am so thrilled to have found it! I am a college student also, and like most students, I am forever short on cash. You have no idea how much this is helping me, I will be a frequent visitor. Thanks again"

- KO.

"this will be a great help- I have just finished my ground classes and feeling overwhelmed-this is a great way to segment and focus my study. Thanks."

- Sally K.

"Very nice site. I am a student pilot and tried the FAA exam (5 questions). An eye opening test. I see that I have a lot to learn in the coming months. I plan on tell others in my class about your site. Thank you"

- Sadie P.

"I think your test is the best one online."

- Kimberley W.

"Just returning to flying after 6 year hiatus. This is a wonderful refresher! Great Site. Keep the blue side up!"

- Rick M.

"Great site! Well written. Glad I found it."

- Michael W.

"This is the first site that I have been to that has the real information for free. This has been a great site for me to find what getting a pilots cert is going to be all about without trying to sell me a bill of goods in the mean time. Thanks I will be coming back for more info."

- John S.

"I have only recently decided that I want to get a private pilots certificate. I have been doing a little research on the net to gain more information and knowledge on the subject, I am a total begginer and know almost nothing about aviation, so to discover your website was a real pleasure. I will visit often to use the exam function and gain any knowledge I can."

- David C.

"Great practice test. Its been 15 yrs since I last flew and hope to use your site to recall many of the things forgotten. Nice layout, presentation clear. Thanks for your hard work."

- Larry H.

"Very nice site! Beautiful graphics and straight-forward interface. Keep up the good work!"

- Jim C.

"The practice exam is awesome. I'll be visting very often."

- Rodney T.

"This site is great, it really helps me get comfortable with the FAA test and helps me learn better by repition. Thanks!"

- Rob M.

"This test is sort of addicting! Its more fun than playing solitare!"

- Francee W.

"Good test, learning a lot."

- Dan R.

"Like what you are doing. I have a commerical and instrument rating but quit flying 25 years ago. Now my son has graduated and daughter is getting close - it is time to do what I really wanted to do. Your site will be helpful establishing my aviation knowledge. Good work."

- Gary C.

"Great educational tool. For completeness it would be nice to have questions with appropriate graphics for subjects such as weight balance, etc."

- Joane D.